Songs about Beauty… or Beasts… Part 1

A while back we posted a playlist of songs about beauty… and never looked back. I think it’s time we revamp this idea and give you a selection of songs (read: videos from our friends at YouTube… except, we have no friends at YouTube) that speak volumes about… beauty… and… uhm… bestiality?

That was fun eh?

We’re Back Baby!

Good God. It has been a very very strange year so far. I had fully intended to continue writing this blog, even wanting to step it up and write daily, but something happened… Actually lots of things happened, meaning that I’ve had to put pretty much everything on the back burner.

But now we’re back… with avengeance!


In the mean time, watch this video! (sorry, the BBC wouldn’t allow me to embed it… bastards)


Happy New Year!

Hello everyone, just wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year! The Beast will return as soon as the post-holiday-season-hangover-blues is cured… In the meantime, enjoy this piece of sentimental slop (sorry, had to be done):

Playing it over and over again makes me feel a little happier that it’s already 2009…

Need more leftovers, a tub of ice cream, and the first season of 30 Rock.

Previous Articles

Christmas is (nearly) here!

Beauty made in fairytales – Beauty and the Beast V.s Shrek

Welcome to Beauty by the Beast

The record needs to be set straight. What is beauty? How do we do to feel beautiful? With hair & makup? Life is short and before you can start living and enjoy the many pleasures in life you have to be able to look in the mirror and feel proud of your own reflection. I recently started this journey and this blog will be my journal in which I will post thoughts, reflections and doubts. See you around!