inner beauty Archive
10 Controversial Tips on How To Feel Beautiful
We all know the standard tricks to boast our perception of how we look and feel. Make up, push up bra’s, a one-night stand or flattering forced compliments from your partner. For some reason however the things we do to feel beautiful often only solves the problem for the moment. If you are interested in […]
Beauty is Unique
Are we born a blank slate? Steven Pinker earlier this year released his book calle The Blank Slate where he challenges prior beliefs that man is born without any distinctions and uniqueness. A very interesting issue indeed as it easily crosses over to the domain of beauty. If we would follow the thought that claims […]
The Eyes – A Window to Our Soul!
Since this site is as much about inner beauty as outer we thought we would combine the two in a post about one of the human senses that can help us to appreciate both. The eyes is perhaps the one part of our body that applies to both inner and outer beauty. Not only to […]
Our Western Celebrity Obsession!
A picture of a celebrity is worth thousands of dollars in today’s paparazzi industry. Britney Spears in a crazy posture, Kate Moss’s apparent cellulitis in a tiny bikini, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s aging biceps. The list is long of captures that have sent magazine sales through the roof. And there is no doubt that this obsession we […]
How We Deal With Conflicts – What does family got to do with it?
Hi all! It recently hit me that most of us act and confront conflicts much like we’ve always done during our upbringing and fights we’ve had within our families. When we later go on to form new ties, realtionships and hopefully families that behaviorial pattern often remains. Now, there nothing strange about that. Rather self-explanatory […]
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