The Dove Self-Esteem Fund!

Dove\'s slef-esteem fund

This is a quick shout out to the Self-Esteem Fund that has been created by cosmetics producer Dove in obvious attempts to build a new brand image but also to take the bull by the horns and deal with people’s, especially young womens, perceptions of their individual beauty.

AsĀ  a result of its Campaign For Real Beauty, Dove has established the Self-Esteem Fund as a web-based platform where interaction, discussion and help is available and encouraged. The Self-Esteem Fund also support local organizations to strengthen the image of self-beauty amongst the youth and furthermore has set a goal to have reached over 5 million people in need before 2010.

We, in a recent posts, discussed Dove’s intention with the campaign for real beauty. Though our conclusion were that Dove truly was driven to not only improve the sales figures but also change the distorted perception that exists today.

When a large corp. like Dove dedicates this much effort in making a difference and really engage in topics that matters, it is surely worth a Big Up from theBeast.

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