Site Archives beauty
Songs about Beauty… or Beasts… Part 1
A while back we posted a playlist of songs about beauty… and never looked back. I think it’s time we revamp this idea and give you a selection of songs (read: videos from our friends at YouTube… except, we have no friends at YouTube) that speak volumes about… beauty… and… uhm… bestiality? That was fun eh?
We’re Back Baby!
Good God. It has been a very very strange year so far. I had fully intended to continue writing this blog, even wanting to step it up and write daily, but something happened… Actually lots of things happened, meaning that I’ve had to put pretty much everything on the back burner. But now we’re back… […]
Beauty made in fairytales – Beauty and the Beast V.s Shrek
In the world of animated movies there two movies that corelates. Shrek and Beauty and the Beast. Though two completely different stories, from disimilar fairytale worlds the story about the grumpy ogre Shrek and the misserable and even more grumpy beast (orignially a Prince) both is about acceptance, love and alientation. What furthermore links them […]
Wanna look like a super model – before or after photoshop?
What we desire isn’t even real? What we desire and aspire to look like has today turned into something that isn’t even real. Back in the days, the ‘super models’ signified a beauty that still was given only a lucky few, but could still be reached through training, staying in shape and lots of make-up. […]
Urban Beauty – Like a Deer in Headlights
As I was walking the streets of Lisboa, Portugal I walked passed what seemed to be a photo shoot in the middle of the street. A thick crowd had gathered to watch this beauty of a photo model as she was posing for the camera and crew were running around fixing lights and such. From […]
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