Beauty made in fairytales – Beauty and the Beast V.s Shrek
In the world of animated movies there two movies that corelates. Shrek and Beauty and the Beast. Though two completely different stories, from disimilar fairytale worlds the story about the grumpy ogre Shrek and the misserable and even more grumpy beast (orignially a Prince) both is about acceptance, love and alientation. What furthermore links them together is how two of the stories characters are abruptly and magically tranformed into something perceiver “ugly” – The Beast and Princess Fiona.
And while the Beast fights to regain his bachelor looks that his human life as royalty so gracefully has given him, when Princess Fiona (also royalty and equally beautiful) in Shrek is turned into a female ogre, sure she fights it, but in the end chooses to remain a female ogre. The Prince in Beauty by The Beast returns to his human shape in the end and Princess Fiona does not. Does anybody else see a little male-female conendrum here?
Why should the Beast not be accepted and loved for who his is rather than what he looks like. The underline in Shrek is much more “come as you are” when Princess Fiona simply chooses to ignore or even starts to like here look as a female ogre.
I guess what it comes down to – the mayor difference in both these stories – is that Shrek and Princess Fiona discover love in their similarities, the fact that they are both ogres. The Beast and innocent Belle however, find love in each other’s differences,which makes the Beast’s tranformation back to the Prince at the end a simple and useless “Disney-ending”.
But can it be that Belle and the Beast simply would not have been able to live happily ever after with him looking like a werewolf? In a fairytale world where anything is possible, love always lasts and the rainbow always so beautiful – are we that shallow?