Archives for June, 2008

Our Western Celebrity Obsession!

A picture of a celebrity is worth thousands of dollars in today’s paparazzi industry. Britney Spears in a crazy posture, Kate Moss’s apparent cellulitis in a tiny bikini, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s aging biceps. The list is long of captures that have sent magazine sales through the roof. And there is no doubt that this obsession we […]

Beauty Playlist vol1.

For all you pondering web surfers outhere; if you just happen to come across this blog don’t feel obligated to read, think or even look. Just close your eyes and let your mind wonder while listening to this playlist containing some goodies that through melody or lyric reflect Enjoy! more playlists to come 🙂 […]

The Dove Self-Esteem Fund!

This is a quick shout out to the Self-Esteem Fund that has been created by cosmetics producer Dove in obvious attempts to build a new brand image but also to take the bull by the horns and deal with people’s, especially young womens, perceptions of their individual beauty. As  a result of its Campaign For […]

Dove’s Campaign For Real Beauty – Join the debate!

You-are-fine-the-way-you-look way of marketing and commercial gain is becoming quite the trend amongst cosmetic and beauty businesses. Dove released a new marketing campaign of 2008 – playing less on super models, layers of make up and coca-cola bottled curves and laying more emphasis on “real beauty”, real, normal people posing for the camera without any […]

Yves Saint Lauren Dead at Age 71

Yves Saint Laurent passed away on Sunday in his Paris home after suffering a long time from a brain tumour. Yves Saint Laurent reached the age of 71 years before leaving this earth, leaving behind a world of fashion morning his memeory. As a little boy Yves Saint Laurent used to spend his time scetching […]